News Releases

Toshiba’s New Company will Co-create an Ecosystem through Cyber Physical Systems Technology Where Everyone Can Enjoy the Benefits of Data

3 Feb, 2020

Tokyo—Toshiba Corporation (TOKYO: 6502, hereinafter “Toshiba”) today established Toshiba Data Corporation (hereinafter “Toshiba Data”) that transforms data into valuable form and returns it to the physical world.


Based on Toshiba Group's high security technology and know-how, Toshiba Data aims to build a data-circulating ecosystem that creates a prosperous future. To achieve this, Toshiba Data will apply advanced digital technology to the analysis of enormous volumes of data collected in the physical world, in such areas as personal purchasing trends, human resources, and health and behavior with, and converts the results into easy usable information and knowledge that can be returned to the physical world.


Gunosy Inc. and CUC Inc. (hereinafter “CUC”) are supporting this initiative, and have announced their participation in this ecosystem as partner companies. Toshiba Data is also in negotiations with a number of interested parties, and will continue to discuss with them.


In addition, Toshiba Data will establish an independent committee to carry out stringent checks for privacy protection.


As its first business, Toshiba Data will cultivate a new business model based on Toshiba Tec Corporation’s (hereinafter “Toshiba Tec”) application “Smart Receipt*1,” which delivers receipt data to consumer’s smartphones. Through Smart Receipt, consumer’s receipt information from real-world stores are collected and transformed to valuable form, and returned to consumers as added values such as coupons that matches their lifestyles and needs and. At the same time, not only the consumers but also the stores will benefit from increased customers and sales.


The size of the Japan’s retail market in 2018 was approximately 145 trillion yen, and transactions in bricks-and-mortar stores of approximately 136 trillion yen*2, were about 15 times larger than e-commerce transactions of approximately 9 trillion yen*3; 94% to 6%. Toshiba Data and Toshiba Tec will create a new service by utilizing purchase data from real-world stores with partner companies. This service will make consumers’ lives more convenient and affordable, and retailers and partner companies will benefit from direct marketing to customers through advanced marketing and advertising, product development, and supply chain efficiency. It is also expected to support revitalization opportunities for local communities.


Toshiba Data will also expand its reach into healthcare, human resources and behavioral data to maximize synergies, with utilizing partner companies' services and knowledge. For example, Toshiba Data and CUC will consider creating a health support system for consumers.


Toshiba Data aims to create a better tomorrow for consumers and society by cultivating a safe and secure data-recycling ecosystem with a variety of partners.


Company Name: Toshiba Data Corporation

Address: 1-1, Shibaura 1-Chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-8001, Japan

Representatives: Taro Shimada, CEO and Representative Director

Hiroaki Kitagawa, COO and Representative Director

Business: Data distribution, service deployment and investment

Capital: 490 million yen

Established: February 3, 2020

Employees: 22 people

Shareholder composition: Toshiba Corporation 100%



*1 Smart Receipt ; trade mark owned by Toshiba Tec

A system that enables consumers to digitize receipt print data at a cash register when a shopper makes a transaction. Shoppers can receive digitized receipt data simply by reading the barcode displayed on the smartphone app at the cash register

*2 Actual store transactions are about 136 trillion yen

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry `` Commercial dynamics statistics '' 2018

*3 E-commerce is about 9 trillion yen

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry `` 2018 Development of Infrastructure for Data-Driven Society in Japan '' (p6)


■ For more information, please see the following website (Japanese only):