Toshiba Group Basic Policy
- 1. We comply with laws, regulations, and social norms, and bring high ethical standards to procurement activities in accordance with the Standards of Conduct for Toshiba Group.
- 2. When selecting suppliers (including potential suppliers, also below) and products to procure, we ensure procurement activities that fully take into consideration reducing the impact on the environment.
- 3. We fulfill corporate social responsibilities, together with suppliers, and engage in sustainable procurement activities.
- 4. We carry out procurement activities with suppliers on the basis of mutual understanding and a relationship of trust.
Supplier Selection Policy
We will select and do business with suppliers who agree with and implement the following (1) to (3).
(1) Compliance with laws and social norms
- Comply with the laws and social norms of each country and region related to business activities
- (2) Consideration for human rights and occupational health and safety
- In our business activities, we respect human rights and strive to realize a safe and clean work environment.
(3) Consideration for the environment
- Promote environmentally friendly business activities
Requests to Suppliers
As a company that has a wide range of products and operates globally, the Toshiba Group follows the spirit of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and the RBA (Responsible Business Alliance) Code of Conduct, in which we participate, and from all perspectives. We are promoting procurement activities that take into consideration the requests of our stakeholders. Therefore, we would like to ask our suppliers to implement the following requests. We would also like to ask your suppliers to understand the Toshiba Group Procurement Policy and to promote this item.
(1)Compliance with laws and social norms
Suppliers are requested to comply with relevant laws and social norms of each country and region where they conduct business activities, including the following.
- Complying with relevant laws and regulations (antitrust laws, commercial laws, subcontracting laws, foreign exchange laws, personal information protection laws, copyright laws, environmental protection laws, labor laws, etc.)
- Prohibition of bribery with any interested party
- Prohibition of dealings with anti-social forces
(2) Consideration for human rights and occupational health and safety
We ask our suppliers to respect human rights in their business activities and to comply with the following so that they may strive to realize a safe and clean working environment. We also ask for your understanding and cooperation with the "Toshiba Group Human Rights Policy" and "Toshiba Group Responsible Mineral Sourcing Policy" (published on our website).
- Prohibition of forced labor, inhumane treatment (including slavery), human trafficking, and child labor, prohibition of discrimination based on race, nationality, gender, religion, etc., and elimination of harassment
- Payment of appropriate wages (payment of wages that exceed the minimum wage stipulated by applicable laws and regulations, wages that cover the necessities of life (living wages))
- Appropriate management of working hours (working hours and holidays that do not exceed applicable laws and regulations, and working hours and holidays that consider international standards)
- Respect for freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
- Provision of safe and clean facilities (appropriate working and living environments, etc.)
- *Toshiba Group Human Rights Policy(opens in a new window) - *Toshiba Group Responsible Mineral Procurement Policy(opens in a new window)
(3) Consideration for the environment
Positioning environmental initiatives as one of the most important management issues, we are proactively engaged in activities to promote the creation of products that are in harmony with the environment, and in accordance with the "Toshiba Group Green Procurement Guidelines" (published on our website). Please promote the following based on.
- Building an environmental management system (Building an environmental management system compliant with ISO14001:2015 and promoting the acquisition of external certification)
- Formulation of Basic Environmental Policy
- Promote activities to reduce environmental impact (response to climate change, response to the circular economy, consideration for ecosystems, establishment of a management system for environmental risks, and education for employees)
- *Toshiba Group Green Procurement Guidelines(opens in a new window)
(4) Continuation of sound business management and information disclosure
We ask for sound business management for continuous transactions. We also disclose information on human rights, occupational safety and health, the environment, business activities, financial conditions and business performance, and risk information (for example, damage from large-scale disasters, occurrence of adverse effects on the environment and society, discovery of serious violations of laws, etc.). please. With respect to such information, falsification of records, misrepresentation, or disclosure of false information will not be tolerated.
(5) Ensuring excellent quality
In order to maintain and improve the quality of the products we provide to our customers, we ask that you cooperate with the Toshiba Group to establish a quality assurance system that complies with ISO 9001, cooperate in obtaining necessary external certifications, and comply with laws and regulations as well as the following. increase. We have also published the "Toshiba Quality Assurance Guidelines for Suppliers" and "Toshiba Software Quality Assurance Guidelines for Suppliers," summarizing the quality assurance activities required by the Toshiba Group, and the "Supplier We ask for your understanding and utilization of Toshiba Product Security Quality Assurance Guidelines for Customers (Software Edition).
- Comply with the safety standards of each country/region (Domestic Denan Law/JIS, US UL, Europe CE marking, China CCC, etc.)
- Continuous provision of materials and services that satisfy the specifications and quality required by the Toshiba Group
- Appropriate management and storage of documents, records, and inspection data that ensure compliance with important quality characteristics, especially laws and standards
(6) Information security
We ask that you prevent leaks of confidential and personal information and strengthen information security.
Protection against cyber attacks
- Formulation of defense measures against threats such as cyberattacks and construction of a management system that does not cause damage to the company or others
Protection of personal information
- Compliance with laws and regulations related to all personal information of suppliers, customers, consumers, employees, etc., and proper management and protection
- Prevention of leakage of confidential information
- Appropriate management and protection of confidential information received not only from our company but also from customers and third parties
(7) Construction of a stable supply system and continuous supply in the event of an unforeseen disaster
In order to ensure the continuous supply of products to customers and respond to requests for sudden changes in supply and demand, we ask that you ensure reliable delivery times and build a stable and flexible supply system for materials and services. In addition, in the event of an unforeseen disaster (natural disaster, epidemic, fire, riot, terrorism, war, civil disturbance, etc.), we will share supply chain information with our group, including your suppliers, and cooperate in continuing supply. We ask for your cooperation in risk management activities during normal times.
Initiatives for Green Procurement
In order to realize Toshiba Group's long-term environmental vision, "Environmental Future Vision 2050," it is essential to consider the environment throughout the entire supply chain. Toshiba Group considers green procurement, which involves procuring products, parts, materials, and services with a low environmental impact from suppliers that actively promote environmental management, to be a high-priority initiative. With your cooperation, we are promoting this in countries around the world. These guidelines describe Toshiba Group's thoughts on green procurement and specific requests to suppliers.
Reporting system for business partners
clean partner line
In connection with transactions such as procurement, if a person concerned with our company has violated compliance, or if there is a suspicion of such violation, please report it through the "Clean Partner Line".
We will carefully handle the content of reports, and through fact-checking and investigations, we will take care not to identify the whistleblower to anyone outside the "Clean Partner Line" secretariat.
We will not treat the whistleblower or his/her place of employment disadvantageously for the reason of reporting.
Report destination
Toshiba Precision Corporation Procurement Division
TEL:024-593-5550 / FAX:024-593-5559