The Key to Starting Health and Productivity Management
We consider it important to provide a working environment in which all employees are able to engage in their work safely and securely in a physically and mentally healthy condition to promote the sustainable growth of the company. Unhealthy conditions not only decrease productivity, but also have a detrimental effect on family life. Toshiba Precision, therefore, discussed the need to promote health and productivity management.
As the first step, the Safety and Health Committee establishes agendas focusing on the perspective of health management, and promotes increased employee awareness about safety and health management.
Health and Productivity Management Issues
- (1) High average age of employees and fear that the prevalence rate will continue to increase.
- (2) Risk of Mental Illness due to Declining Organizational Culture.
- (3) Increase in high-risk subjects for lifestyle-related diseases due to smoking and lack of exercise.
Numerical Targets for Health Management
Upon discussion with top management, key performance indicators (KPIs) with the potential to influence company management were identified by extracting factors related to employee health from the results of medical examinations, awareness surveys, and stress assessments.

*1=Percentage of one or more hours per day of physical activity
Occupational health and safety management policy
“At Toshiba Precision Corporation, we implement sustainability management, including Occupational Health and Safety, in accordance with the Basic Commitment of the Toshiba Group. While according full respect to the culture and customs of the societies in which we operate, we conduct business activities that contribute to realization of a sustainable society. To realize this, in all our business conduct, we place the highest priority on human life, safety and compliance, and we make concerted efforts throughout our operations to create safe and healthful workplace environments.”
- 1. We position health and safety as one of the most important priorities for management, and strive to prevent occupational injury and disease in the workplace by continual improvements in occupational health and safety management.
- 2. We comply with legally mandated requirements and also with other requirements to which Toshiba Group companies voluntarily subscribes that relate to our occupational health and safety hazards.
3. We set objectives and targets and act decisively to
achieve the following:
- (1) Eradication of occupational accidents and disease in the workplace, elimination of hazards, and the mitigation of risks that may cause such accidents and disease;
- (2) Maintenance and promotion of physical and mental health in order to enable all employees to bring their individual capabilities into full play.
- 4. We commit to ensuring appropriate consultation and participation, on occupational health and safety initiatives of workers and their representatives in various positions, who are involved in the Toshiba Group’s business.
- 5. We contribute to society’s enhancement of health and safety management standards through various communication on occupational health and safety matters.
June 27, 2024
Hideo Shimizu
Representative Director
Toshiba Precision Corporation
Health & Safety Management Declaration
At Toshiba Precision Corporation, we are promoting Health & Safety Management by positioning the safety and health of our employees, our most valuable asset, as an issue of the utmost importance in management, in order to continue creating abundant value and contributing to the lifestyles and culture of people around the world.
In order to achieve this, we have established a system where every tier throughout the organization will be able to realize the following responsibilities based on the “Toshiba Precision Health & Safety Basic Policy,” and regular monitoring indicators involving health and safety, aiming to continuously make improvements while building and operating an occupational health and safety management system.
1. The management tier (leaders in each department) will take
the lead in health and safety management.
- ▽ Management regards the various indicators for health and safety as one of the most important indicators for management and will communicate the importance of its improvement.
- ▽ We will invest management resources (people, products, money) that match our company’s health and safety issues and risks.
2. Managers will make due consideration for the health and
safety of their subordinates.
- ▽ Managers will pay attention to the health and safety of their subordinates in their daily labor management, and if there are any issues, they will deal with them in a timely and appropriate manner.
- ▽ Managers will secure opportunities and time in the appropriate manner to ensure the health and safety of their subordinates according to company regulations.
- ▽ Efforts will be made to create a dynamic workplace with good communication.
3. Health and safety staff members will strive to foster a
culture of health and safety at work.
- ▽ We will focus on preventative safety and primary prevention of disease by analyzing daily health and safety issues in the workplace.
- ▽ We will enhance our expertise and provide the appropriate support, advice, and guidance to lines and departments.
- ▽ In order to secure sustainable health and safety management, we will strive to foster human resources for health and safety, including those whom with we collaborate.
4. Employees will strive to ensure their autonomous and
mutual health and safety.
▽ We request the following from our employees
- ▼ Strive to secure your own safety and maintain and improve your health by using the various systems and opportunities provided by related organizations.
- ▼ Be aware that you and your family’s health and safety are irreplaceable assets for Toshiba Precision Corporation, therefore, maintain safety-first behaviors and health-first life habits.
- ▼ If you have issues that you cannot resolve yourself, consult your superior or colleague, a health and safety staff member, or various external consultation resources.
- ▼ Pay attention to the situation and environment of those around you, help one another, and strive to create a work environment that ensures health and safety.
June 27, 2024
Toshiba Precision Corporation
Representative Director and President
Hideo Shimizu
Occupational Health and Safety Management System
In February 2021, Toshiba Precision Corporation Headquarters, Fukushima Office, Niigata Office, and Kawasaki Office acquired ISO45001 certification for occupational health and safety management. Since the acquisition of OHSAS1800 certification, which was the predecessor of ISO45001, in 2009, we have fully utilized the management system to promote individual employee-based safety management such as risk reduction and management for disaster and disease during business activities, and inspections for compliance with laws and regulations at workplaces through their active participation in health and safety activities.
Toshiba Precision Corporation places a priority on promoting the health and safety of all employees, developing a comfortable work environment that generates less fatigue and stress, and building trusting relationships with customers and other stakeholders.
Safety and health promotion system
Toshiba Precision Corporation has the safety management system and health management system shown in the below chart.
Each office holds Safety and Health Committee meetings to share information about progress in compliance with legal requirements and reducing a full range of risks.

External Evaluation (2024 Certified Health and Productivity Management Organization Recognition Program)
External Evaluation (2024 Certified Health and Productivity Management Organization Recognition Program) Toshiba Precision Corporation has been certified as a 2023 Certified Health and Productivity Management Organization (Small and Medium Enterprise Category), and also selected as a Bright 500 (the top 500 certified corporations that have applied for Bright 500).
We believe that everyone involved in our business activities is an important management resource for our company, and we are stepping up our activities to create a lively and lively organization based on the premise of the safety and physical and mental health of our workers. I will let you.
* What is 2024 Health and Productivity Management Organization Recognition Program (Small and Medium Enterprise Category): This is a “Health and Productivity Management Organization Certification System” promoted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Nippon Kenko Kaigi for small and medium-sized enterprises. By "visualizing" excellent corporations working on health management, this system can be socially evaluated as "a corporation that thinks about employee health management from a management perspective and is working on it strategically." The aim is to create an environment where * "Health Management" is a registered trademark of the NPO Health Management Research Institute.

Fulfillment of Health Management
Toshiba Group has established the Toshiba Group Health Management Standards and has implemented a wide range of projects to increase employee awareness about health and maintain physical and mental health.
Approaches to health promotion
Toshiba Group was one of the first Japanese companies to implement advanced mental health measures, and has been promoting a comprehensive system of care for employees, including their living environment and workplace. Going forward, we will continue to provide support for employees to make conscious efforts to maintain their own mental and physical health.
1. Employee care by line managers
- To understand the health status of individual members through a wide range of opportunities such as education and messages from top management, we equip senior employees to perceive unusual conditions in their team members, and to engage actively in close communication. To improve the awareness of members of the team and organization about safe and health, we also work on vitalizing communication using CSR workplace meetings and other opportunities.
2. Self-care
- Using the official website and Kenpo Information, a journal published by the Toshiba Health Insurance Association, we conduct enlightenment and education activities for mental health. We also provide e-learning education for self-care for Group companies in Japan every year to support the promotion of self-reliant health for all employees. Since FY2011, we have used the Reinstatement Support Program to provide support for employees on leave from work to facilitate a smooth return to the workplace and prevent the recurrence of mental health issues. Industrial health professionals make proposals to the relevant employees for appropriate timing to return to work, locations, and ways to work in cooperation with their family doctors, workplaces and families.
3. Stress assessment
- Toshiba Group established its own stress assessment system, and the headquarters has conducted the assessment since FY2016. As a result, accumulated timely follow-up helped to increase the response rate of the Group, which was higher than the national average. Since FY2018, we have asked workplaces with less than 50 employees to conduct stress assessment to promote Group-wide implementation. We also work on the improvement of workplaces through holding workshops after analysis of the stress assessment results.
4. On-site consultation system
- Industrial healthcare professionals serve as coordinators for workplaces, home, and medical institutions. Staff provide advice not only to employees, but also to workplaces.
5. External telephone consultation
- We operate the Physical and Mental Health Consultation Desk, which provides physical and mental support to all employees, jointly with the Toshiba Health Insurance Association. This Consultation Desk also responds to consultations from the employees’ families while ensuring their privacy.
Prevention of excess overtime work (Health management for employees who exceed the limit of overtime work)
Toshiba Group places a priority on the shift to workstyles that do not rely on overtime work (practice of workstyle reform). Even before the revision of the Industrial Safety and Health Act in 2006, we established standards to oblige employees who work 80 or more hours of overtime within a month to undergo face-to-face guidance with a physician to prevent health disturbances caused by overtime work.
Toshiba Precision Corporation adopted a health examination system for the employees who exceed the limit of overtime work. We require all employees who work 45 or more hours overtime within a month to take the health survey, and schedule guidance with a physician depending on the results.
Changes in Overtime Work Hours, Acquisition of Paid Holidays, and Years of Service

Implementing physical exercise on a daily basis
To address the lack of exercise, we have worked on creating a work environment that allows employees to exercise while working.
Some employees stated that they wanted to exercise, but that they are unable to because of the demands of work and family.
Therefore, we established a system that allows employees to exercise lightly at work.
For example, we placed stickers on floors to raise awareness of stride, and place stickers on stairs that list the number of calories used when going up the stairs.

Comprehensive support for health, improvement of diet
To promote and maintain employee health, we encourage employees to limit their salt intake to the appropriate amount using the recommended daily allowance promoted by the city.
The appropriate amount means a reduction to prevent health problems.
For example, five pushes of this soy sauce spray provide one tenth of a teaspoon. Even a small amount provides sufficient flavor.
In addition, the company cafeteria provides healthy menu choices each month including items that help prevent hypertension and arteriosclerosis.

Preventing disease
We apply the occupational classifications specified in the Toshiba Group Common Standards to the results of periodic health examinations to provide appropriate health guidance as we monitor for signs of ill health and manage overtime work and business travel for employees at high risk for brain and heart disease.
Infectious disease control
Contributing to infectious disease control in Japan, we created a manual to assist employees in managerial positions in thoroughly implementing the reporting of and response to the onset of infectious disease to prevent spread. When signs of influenza or other infectious diseases are noted, we immediately provide information about prevention and appropriate measures through health newsletters.
We have also established a COVID-19 control team to implement a wide range of measures and responses.
In regard to the onset and spread of infectious diseases overseas, we continuously collect the most updated information released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and disseminate information provided by the Corporate Division to Group companies to raise awareness and enlighten employees. We also provide seminars for employees who may be assigned overseas and family members who may accompany them to explain about life, medical care, safety, and infectious disease control. For employees preparing for overseas assignments, we provide health examinations and vaccinations through the orientation prior to assignment.