“Diversity” refers to “diversity of human resources” and includes race, nationality, age, gender, sexual orientation/gender identity, religion, creed, It means the “differences” of each of us, such as culture, disability, career, and lifestyle. “Inclusion” means that the abilities and skills of each and every one of us, who have a wide variety of values and ways of thinking, are recognized, It means a state in which individuals are utilized in an organization. By respecting, accepting, and making the most of each other's differences, Toshiba Group creates new value and ideas, We aim to create a sound organization where each and every employee with diverse backgrounds can work enthusiastically and with a sense of purpose. We are also promoting “Diversity & Inclusion (D&I)” to achieve sustainable growth. We also want all employees to feel that their individuality is respected, that their existence is recognized, and that they are welcomed. We aim to create a working environment and foster a corporate culture where employees can.
Diversity & Inclusion Promotion Policy
Toshiba Group believes that promoting diversity and inclusion and equal opportunities We believe that it will lead to the creation of innovation and the improvement of corporate value. We aim to normalize a culture in which diverse human resources can play an active role. In particular, we are working to enhance systems and initiatives for foreign employees, female employees, employees with disabilities, and LGBT+ employees.
Expansion of employment of foreign employees and promotion of active participation
As part of our efforts to promote diversity and inclusion, we are also hiring foreign nationals to secure human resources in fields that are difficult to obtain in Japan. By fiscal 2022, a total of four people have joined the company, and they are active in various fields such as design, manufacturing, and machining. In addition, we are strengthening our efforts to create a corporate culture that makes it easy for foreign employees to play an active role through our “genuine 5S activities.” From the perspective of compliance, we work with an outsourced company that has a specialized department to acquire and confirm a status of residence that allows them to work as stipulated by the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act.
Promotion of career development for female employees
We are promoting measures to promote the active participation of female employees. With the aim of realizing a society in which women can fully demonstrate their individuality and abilities, the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace was enacted in fiscal 2016. We have formulated an action plan based on the law.
General Business Owner Action Plan based on the Law for the Promotion of Women's Activity
- 1.Term of plan
- From April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2027
- 2. Our challenge
- Few women in managerial positions
- 3. Contents of effort
【Our goal】
Open the managerial positions to five or more women employees - < Specific measures >
【Effort 1】Provide a manager training for women employees in pre-managerial positions.
- April: Consider and plan the training contents.
- October: Implement the training for the target employees. Conduct questionnaires and interviews after the training.
- January: Analyze the results of the questionnaires and the interviews.
【Effort 2】Support for networking by providing opportunities among women to interact, according to their job positions.
- June: Consider and plan the opportunities of networking events.
- October: Implement the networking events.
- November: Conduct questionnaires and analyze the issues for new plans in future.
Promoting Understanding of Men Taking Childcare Leave and Implementing Measures
In addition to improving employee job satisfaction, reviewing work styles, and cultivating diverse values, we are supporting the promotion of men taking childcare leave in order to foster a corporate culture in which both men and women can balance childcare and work. are taking various measures.
In fiscal 2022, for Toshiba Group employees, we will use the in-house newsletter to write about the experience of male employees taking childcare leave, publish information on the revision of the Child Care and Family Care Leave Act, and implement e-learning to promote understanding. Furthermore, on June 27, 2019, our company was certified as a "childcare support company" under the certification system based on the "Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children" established by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. Going forward, we will continue to respect the diverse values of our employees and work to create an environment in which each individual can demonstrate their abilities while maintaining a work-life balance.
∼What is the “Kurumin Mark”∼
This is proof that we have been certified by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare as a “childcare support company”. Based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children, among companies that have formulated a general business owner action plan, companies that have achieved the goals set in the plan and have met certain standards are designated as "child-rearing support companies" by applying. As a result, you can receive certification from the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare (Kurumin certification).
Action plan based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children
We fully respect the diverse values, career plans, and life stages of each and every employee, We will continue to work toward the realization of work-life balance so that improvement and a fulfilling life can coexist.
As part of the mechanism for that, we will formulate the following action plan regarding support for the development of the next generation.
- 1. Planning period
Three years from April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2025.
- 2. Content
【Goal 1】
Increase the number of male employees taking childcare leave to 2 or more (during the plan period)
<Specific measures>
- Create and disseminate materials related to systems such as childcare leave and leave for childcare purposes.
- Provide education on childcare leave to all employees.
【Goal 2】
Introduction of a leave system that can be used for infertility treatment
<Specific measures>
- Introduction of the system.
- Inform employees about the system.
Acquired "Youth Yell" certification as a company that actively recruits and trains young people
As of April 20, 2023, our company has been certified as a "Youth Yell Company" under the certification system based on the "Youth Employment Promotion Act" established by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.
~ What is the “Youth Yell Certification Mark” ~
It is a proof of being certified by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare as a small and medium-sized company that actively recruits and trains young people and has excellent employment management conditions for young people. In the future, we will continue to aim to be a company that supports young people even more by promoting their establishment in the workplace by creating an environment where it is easy to consult, as well as improving their skills.
Employment of people with disabilities
As of June 1, 2023, our employment rate for people with disabilities is 2.52%. We are also actively working to support the active participation of people with disabilities through our “genuine 5S activities.” In addition, from fiscal 2021, we will actively participate in training for vocational life counselors for persons with disabilities, fostering a sense of role, sharing information, I am trying to build a network.
Active utilization of the elderly
As the birthrate declines and the population ages, we will continue to provide valuable immediate work force even after the retirement age of 60, as well as advanced skills and techniques.
Expecting to play a role as a successor, a system to extend employment until the age of 65, where the wage level is determined according to skills and abilities Introduced in 2001, we provide a system that allows the elderly to play an active role. Due to the revision of the Act on Stabilization of Employment of Elderly Persons (Act on Stabilization of Employment of Elderly Persons) enacted in April 2013, In line with this, in principle, all regular employees who will reach the age of 60 after April 2013 will have their employment extended in accordance with the purpose of the revision of the law. We will continue to actively promote the active participation of seniors according to their work style needs and individual skills and abilities.
Promoting Understanding and Initiatives for LGBT+
Toshiba Group clearly states in the "Toshiba Group Standards of Conduct" as a code of conduct for Toshiba Group officers and employees that they will not engage in acts that infringe on human rights, such as discriminatory language or behavior related to sexual orientation.
We aim to create a workplace where employees with diverse values can work comfortably by handling the names used in the company and giving consideration to gender notation on health insurance cards.
In addition, in May 2020, in order to eliminate discrimination against sexual minorities, we formulated the Basic Policy on Prohibition and Elimination of LGBT+ Discrimination in Toshiba Group and made it available to all employees.
Basic Policy on Prohibition and Elimination of LGBT+ Discrimination in Toshiba Group
Toshiba Group upholds "respect for human rights" as a standard of conduct for executives and employees, and discriminatory behavior, violence, sexual harassment, and power harassment related to race, religion, gender, nationality, physical or mental disability, age, sexual orientation, etc. We have clearly stated that we will not engage in acts that infringe on human rights such as (workplace bullying, harassment). Based on this, Toshiba Group will responsibly deal with LGBT+ (including Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgenders, and other sexuality), who are minorities, in accordance with the following policy.
Do not discriminate against minorities
Gender identity and sexual orientation are irrelevant to the abilities of the individual, which the Group places importance on.There should be no harassment.
Respect self-determination
Information related to gender identity and sexual orientation, its disclosure/non-disclosure, and their expression are subject to the will of the person concerned, and must not be unfairly infringed upon by others.
Eliminate obstacles to work and business
Matters that hinder the work and work of LGBT+ minorities must be removed to a reasonable
extent through an appropriate process of consensus building.
In order for Toshiba Group to start a new future, sincere and passionate human resources
envision the company's vision, cooperate with each other, and create together. is essential,
we will implement the above basic policy for all Toshiba Group employees.
based on the University of Tsukuba's basic philosophy and response guidelines regarding LGBT,
Work style reform and work-life balance
We have been promoting work style reforms since April 2019. By promoting flexible working styles, business reforms, and health and productivity management, we are working to correct long working hours and carry out high-value-added work so that each and every employee can work safely, healthily, and energetically. In addition, from April 2020, due to the spread of new coronavirus infections In line with this, employees who are able to work from home are thoroughly encouraged to do so, and meetings are being held online.
In addition, with the aim of establishing telecommuting and improving productivity, we are distributing videos on how to communicate and ingenuity in remote work and developing online IT skill improvement education.
After the COVID-19 outbreak subsides, we will aim for a "hybrid work" that combines working at the office and remote work, and by making effective use of the travel time by working from home, we will spend time for self-health and spending time with our families. We aim to achieve a better work-life balance by creating meaningful time outside of work, such as creating time, participating in childcare and nursing care, and allocating time for self-re-learning.