Philosophy Behind Activities
Based on the Toshiba Group Code of Conduct, we actively engage in local community activities and social contribution activities in order to contribute to the creation of a sustainable society.
Promotion of harmony and cooperation with local communities
Our company works in cooperation and solidarity with the local community and is engaged in CSR activities through participating in local events, including those hosted by the local government.
Activity example (Forest Science Expedition)
Our company holds this event for the elementary school students and their parents and guardians, who live near our Fukushima location and headquarters, with the purpose of giving them a chance to commune with the abundant local nature and learn about the fun and presciousness of nature through nature observing activities.
Activity example (Regular First-aid Classes)
With the aim of fostering a workforce of people who are able to administer first-aid when someone falls ill whether it is at work or outside of work, we hold first-aid classes with the cooperation of the Fukushima City Fire Department.
Activity example (Clean-up Activities in the Vicinity of Our Office)
With the aim of contributing to local society and increasing beautification awareness among our employees, we promote clean-up activities every year both within and outside our grounds. This has enabled us to maintain a sound relationship with our other offices in the area and local residents.
Activity example (Blood Drive Activities)
As the number of people able to donate blood decreases, we hold regular blood donation events and inform our employees of the importance of donating blood. We will continue our efforts seeking to increase the number of blood donors.